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- Written by: Ed Elliot
The phrase “fall from grace” is a religious term commonly used to describe a believer who struggles with sin. It also refers to those who chose to go back into the world and live as they did before they were saved.
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- Written by: John OBrien
The ministry of the Holy Spirit
As the New Testament is read, it is easy to see the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The early church had confidence in the Holy Spirit and exhibited confidence in its leadership. This confidence grew out of the church’s daily experience, direction and blessing from God by means of the Holy Spirit.
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- Written by: John OBrien
Jesus Christ said, "I will build My church"
Obedience as a building block
The Church is being built on Church members dedicated to obedience. Jesus set out certain expecations for Church membership to adhere to. One sentence enbraces these expectations:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself".
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- Written by: John OBrien
What are the gifts of the Spirit ?
Every Christian has the guidance of the Spirit of God. Jesus said He was sending the Holy Spirit to help us. (John 14:16) The word that He used, Paraclete, has a meaning of a friend, Helper, Advocate, the One called alongside. This word implies that the Holy Spirit walks beside you. The Holy Spirit has His arm around you to keep you for falling. The Holy Spirit gives you guidance and intercedes for you to the Father in your behalf.
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- Written by: John OBrien
If you are filled with the Holy Spirit you are/will experience joy in living.1 Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to us. When our lives are changed by having the Holy Spirit, this give glory to Jesus for it is His will for us.
Do not snuff out the Spirit
Paul told us to not to snuff out what the Spirit is doing. Do not snuff out what the Holy Spirit is doing in the life of the church and in the life of its’ members.The members of the church are members of the Kingdom. As members we are tod to expect suffering and opposition from the enemy. This suffering comes from and is directed toward us because of our faith in Christ. 2
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