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- Written by: DeVern Fromke
You find all of Dr. Webber teaching under the menu "Leadership".
Jesus formed His leaders personally. He called them first to be “with Him.”
He appointed twelve - designating them apostles - that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. {bible}Mark 3:14-15{/bible}
Leaders build leaders, and Jesus took personal responsibility for each of the leaders He built. He did not delegate this to a “leadership development department” within His ministry.
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- Written by: John OBrien
"You are a very busy person with a lot to do. You don't have time to do all you need to do as it is." "You already believe in Jesus Christ. You already heard the Gospel." "Why should you spend time reading the Bible?"
- Hits: 5497
Read more: The Bible must be studied and read for what it is

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- Written by: Michael Angell
Whether you are sick or you know somebody that are sick, this article can help you receive healing for you and your family.
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- Written by: Michael Angell
As a christian we are called to follow Jesus. Sometimes this will bring us in to storms and high waters.
Why not help us by always keep the wether nice and the waters calm?
Why does God do this with us?
We should not only be followers of Christ, but we are his body here on earth. We are his representative if you will. To be able to do the work of The Father for us, we must have the same quality in us as Jesus. The Holy Spirit is makeing the Christ life in us, makeing us to be like Christ. Difficult and sometime hard situations are transformeing us to get the Christ charakter, if we will let it. The way we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, will determen the result in our life: Blessings from God or a bitter heart.
Published at EzineArticles.com
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- Written by: Michael Angell
Sermon Summary: The bible tells us to resist the devil. Fine, but what does that actually mean? Some Christians erroneously think that determination and will power will suffice. Others shout at the devil, but with predictably discouraging results. Still others invoke “formulas” that they know in their heads but don’t truly believe in their hearts. To gain the ability to resist the devil successfully will require much of you, but the results will be dramatic!
- Hits: 12045