- Written by: Michael Angell
Powerful tool - A tool among tools. As you probably know prayer is an absolute necessity in your Christian quest for peace with God.
- Hits: 8560
- Written by: Michael Angell
A Training Manual For Jail And Prison Ministry
- Hits: 4348
- Written by: Michael Angell
Are you afraid to teach? You do not know how and you lack self confidence? You have tried it before and felt you failed miserably? It sounds like you a member of the human race!
- Hits: 8857
- Written by: Michael Angell
This course is a summary of the Biblical teaching on the role of women in the Christian context. This course supplies a rather complete reference from the scriptures to woman and situations they find themselves in. The scripture list is very useful and a good reference.
Download the cource of Women: A Biblical Profile
- Hits: 8680
- Written by: Michael Angell
The tree of Christianity
You as a Christian and having received salvation are under an command to bear fruit by causing others to be introduced and placed under conviction by the Holy spirit. This is an example of Spiritual reproduction, or as it were, multiplication. As you walk in fellowship with God, you must lead others to do the same. If you bring some and they bring some more soon the process of multiplication takes place.
God’s plan
It is God’s will. God plan, God wish that you take on the task of personalty spreading the Gospel to the unsaved no matter when you find them. No matter if the live next door or they live in Holland. It is your job to find a way to bring God’s message to the unsaved.
Each One
Accepting or rejecting the offer of salvation is an individual choice. You as a Christian, have been dispatched to bring the Word to the unsaved. This is your job. There is no getting around it.
This course
This course clearly and Biblically brings to your attention your responsibilities as a Christian in witnessing to the unsaved. This course removes all doubt about the unsaved and all doubt as to your responsibility. Take your responsibility seriously.
Download the course Methodologies Of Multiplication
- Hits: 5120